
計畫發起人Colin Beavan自稱是環保人士,對環保議題總能夠滔滔不絕。突然有天早晨,colin突然良心發現自己雖然愛唱高調,卻對地球暖化的運動袖手旁觀,於是colin想寫一本有關環保議題的書。但談環保的書籍不勝枚舉,要如何才能引起讀者注意???colin於是決定了由自己的家庭開始革命性的「零污染實驗」開始愚蠢的邁出第一步!



My book and film, both titled No Impact Man, ended up being translated into 20-plus languages. Some philanthropists appeared and offered me funding to hire consultants to get NoImpactProject.org off the ground. About 20,000 people have now participated in our educational immersion program, No Impact Week.

Like a deer in the headlights.


How am I supposed to stand up to all this? Surely people can see how selfish and shortsighted I am? That I’m sometimes mean to my family? People like me aren’t supposed to do things like this. We’re supposed to wait for people who have their acts together, and follow them.

But if we wait for those people, we’re done for.


There are a lot of people who know way more about activism and citizen engagement than me. I’m pretty ordinary. Frankly, I don’t even always want to be of service. But I’ve now learned a lot about how to be an ordinary person, filled with self-doubt, who still takes the risk of trying to do something about the world. Maybe you’re like me. And maybe the things that have helped me will help you, too.

Be Stupid Enough to Take The First Step

My first step was just to begin living with the lowest possible environmental impact. A few people said I was “too stupid to know that one person can’t make a difference.” Think on this story (with apologies for high schmaltz quotient):

Two frogs—one very smart and one very stupid—are caught in a bowl of cream. The sides are too steep to climb and they have no foothold to jump. The stupid one begins to swim as hard and fast as he can. The smart one looks over and says to himself, “He’s too stupid to know that all that effort will make no difference.”

Having weighed the hopelessness of the situation, the smart one decides that the most intelligent thing is to give up. So—Blub!—he drowns. The stupid one keeps trying. Just when his legs are about to give out the cream starts to get thicker. His struggling has churned the cream to butter. He’s surprised to find himself on solid ground. He jumps out. By stupidly pursuing the first step (swimming), the second step (jumping out) appeared, as if by magic.

The question is not whether you can make a difference. The question is, do you want to be the person who tries? Do you want to be like the smart frog, who relies on the brain that tells him there is no solution, or the stupid frog, whose heart tells him to try anyway?

Maybe you care about food deserts and kids not having access to good food, or maybe it’s incarceration of local youth, or maybe, like me, you worry about inaction on climate change. Whatever it is, pick up your placard or call your senator or gather your friends. Don’t worry about the second step. Just be too stupid to know the first step won’t work.


no impact man,至今被翻譯成20多種語言。

面環境失速下滑現在,我該怎麼相信這一切? 人們該怎麼看到自私和短視的自我?在什麼樣的時間點決定多關心環境 。是等待一群人和我們擁有共同的行為,並跟隨他們嗎???如果我們等待這些人,我們就完了。



colin的第一步是開始減少所有汙染環境的生活方式。 一些人說colin太傻,一個人不能有所作為。


兩隻青蛙,一個很聰明,一個非常愚蠢,兩個同時陷入了一碗奶油。 雙方都說碗太陡了,他們沒有足夠跳躍離開的地方。愚蠢的人開始在奶油碗裡面游泳,因為他想應該可以游出去吧! 聰明的青蛙一看過去,對自己說:“他也太蠢了,所有這些努力都是白費。”

在權衡了絕望的情況下,聰明的決定,最明智的就是放棄。最後,聰明的他淹死了。 愚蠢的人不停地嘗試。 就在他的腿酸的要放棄時,奶油霜開始變得更厚。他在掙扎,已經攪動的奶油黃油。驚訝地發現乃又變硬了。 他跳出去了。 由愚蠢追求第一步(游泳),第二個步驟(跳出)出現了,彷彿被施了魔法。


colin說:問題不在於你是否能有所作為。 問題是,你想成為什麼樣的人?你要像聰明的青蛙,他依賴大腦,結果告訴他有沒有解決方案,或愚蠢的青蛙,他的心告訴他試一試呢?

不管是什麼,拿起你的標語牌或打電話給你的參議員或您的朋友,告訴他們一起來做環保吧! 不要擔心第二個步驟。 如果覺得第一步很蠢將無法工作。



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