

Exhibiting at the Invisible Dog Gallery in Brooklyn, New York, these growing grass sculptures change every time you see them. Made of soil and wheat seeds with a structure from recycled metal, they're the creative work of mixed media artist Mathilde Roussel-Giraudy.

參展畫廊在看不見的狗在布魯克林,紐約,這些雕塑改變種草每次看見他們。 製成的小麥種子,土壤和回收金屬的結構,他們創造性的工作,混合媒介藝術家瑪蒂爾德羅素 - Giraudy。

"The natural world, ingested as food becomes a component of human being," Roussel-Giraudy says. "Through these anthropomorphic and organic sculptures made of soil and wheat grass seeds, I strive to show that food, it's origin, it's transport, has an impact on us beyond its taste. The power inside it affects every organ of our body. Observing nature and being aware of what and how we eat makes us more sensitive to food cycles in the world - of abundance, of famine - and allows us to be physically, intellectually and spiritually connected to a global reality."

“自然世界,攝入食物成為人類的一個組件,”羅素 - Giraudy說。 “透過這些擬人化和有機雕塑由土壤和小麥草種子,我努力表明,食物,它的起源,它的運輸,有一個影響我們超越它的味道。電源內部它影響每一個器官,我們的身體。觀測性質由於意識到了我們吃什麼和如何使我們更敏感,在世界糧食週期 - 豐,飢荒 - 並可以使我們的身體,智力和精神連接到一個全球性的現實。“(google翻譯)



You can read more about the Invisible Dog Gallery in the New York Times. There's an inspirational story about how it got started and how it's become a creative hub.

藝術家官網Roussel giraudy


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